Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A Tribute to My Dad....

Well it's been a while...I know I really haven't been on here much lately...but that's what the end of the school year is like!

A Tribute to My Dad

My dad is the greatest. He is different than all the other dads. There is so much that I admire about my dad, but I especially admire how hardworking he is, and his commitment to his family. Everything my dad does, it all comes back to his family.

I remember growing up; it was like there was hardly a time when my dad wasn’t working. He would be working all day, then at times some nights. On the weekends he would be doing yard work, stuff around the house, and helping out the family in any way that is needed. If anything needed done – he would get it done. My dad is one of the most hardworking people I’ve ever known. He has taught me that hard work pays off, and that what you are working for, is more important than what you do.

My dad’s commitment is I think one of his greatest qualities. I admire his commitment. I think that is part of what makes him so strong. Commitment has a lot to do with how hardworking he is, and the same lessons apply here. His commitment has shown me what makes a leader, and also has taught me to do my best in everything, and never quit. His commitment to his family is apparent, and I know that it is important to him.

My dad is always there for me. He always has been. I am so thankful that God gave me him for a dad. He is the greatest!

I treasure all the times we spent together, going to the zoo, playing at the park, swimming at the beach on vacation, and even the stuff we do at home. Everything we ever did and everything that we do. I treasure every memory of you.

So dad, I just want you to know, that you are the most important man in my life, and that I admire all that you are. I love you dad, and thank God for you everyday. Thank you for being so hardworking and committed and for making my life all that it has been and is. I couldn’t ask for a better dad – I really don’t think there could be a better one. You are everything I could ask for in a dad and more. Thanks. Always remember that no matter where life takes me, or what the future brings, I’ll always be your little girl. I love you dad!



SPREAD THE FIRE - Light up the world!

Dancing in the Shadow of His cross,

~Brittany (1 Peter3:4) WorshipDancer900

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Firebrand - May 3, 2008

Recently, the dance group I am part of "Send Judah First" had the privilege to dance with Firebrand - our Dance teachers own group in Empire, Ohio. They are just amazing...well that night. God was really moving! You could feel the Spirit in that place! (I still get chills just remembering that feeling!) The dances they did are powerful! This ministry is amazing! The woman who started this ministry - Lisa Muckle - she is an amazing woman of God. She is actually my dance teacher as well. I've danced with Lisa for about two years now, and it was so clear to me from the start that she was someone special.

Back to Firebrand - this ministry is just awesome! Thdy do drums and dance all for the purpose of doing Worship and Warfare for the kindom of heaven! Worship Dance can be such a powerful ministry - and this group - Firebrand - I really believe that they are leaving their mark, and lighting a fire in the hearts and minds of others.

So to those part of this ministry - You're awesome! Keep praising! There is such a power in what you do!

To everyone reading this, you have got to see this! They really are amazing!

~SPREAD THE FIRE - Light up the world!~

Dancing in the Shadow of His cross,

Brittany - WorshipDancer900 - (1Peter3:4)