Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Master Potter

There are times that I might seem weak,
but I'm stronger than I appear to be.

I have this power inside of me,
by the one whose blood set me free.

The one who broke my chains, and gave me my name,
is my source of strength.

He holdds my head up, he guides my way.
He molds me as a potter does clay.

Strong and beautiful, of unique purpose and shape.
The Lord has crafted me in His masterful ways.

Once I was flawless, but I have gone my own way,
every crack has a story, but it makes me stronger all the same.

Don't think that I'm weak, because I know that I am strong.
My brokeness tells where I've been, but does not define where I belong.

Although I may look fragile, the Lord holds my life together.
He holds all the pieces, my creator - The potter.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Things I've learned this summer -- Going beneath the surface <3

1. Letting go doesn't always mean giving up -- It just means putting it in God's hands.

2. God can use who we may see as the most unlikely people.

3. Be still and wait on God, he will meet you when you see Him.

4. Sometimes you have to let go of what you love in order to take what God has for you.

5. Rest in God --He keeps you in perfect peace.

6. God reveals to heal.

8. Love can be the most powerful force in the world.

9. One person can make the difference of a million.

10. God equips the called for ministry. He wil give you what you need in order to fulfill His work.

11. Sometimes God places people in our lives only for a season.

12. Some moments we hold keep us moving forward and give us hope for the future. Others hold us back from pursuing what we are meant to do. We have to choose to hold onto those precious moments and let go of the ones that hinder us from becoming who God called us to be.

13. God will use what the enemy meant for bad against you, for good.

14. God will never leave you empty.

15. Friendship isn't about how long you've known each other, how often you're together, or even the ability to see the heart by looking in the eyes. Friendship is a shared heart and soul--linked by a chain that no distance can break, and that no amount of time can rust.

16. Time moves fast when you want it to go slow, and slow when you want it to speed by- Time is precious, make the most of every moment.

17. In the midst of storms - God's light always shines through.

18.God's best for you lies beyond tomorrow.

19. My dad continues to be the most important man in my life and he teaches me what a man of God really is, what commitment means, and how I deserve to be treated. He's taught me so much more than that, and I'm watching for someone like him. But he's basically my hero. :)

20. To rest in God doesn't mean the chaos stops-- it just means you can rest knowing that God holds it all in His hands, and find peace in knowing that everything is still in His control.

21. I am my mother's daughter and proud to be so! And it's an honor to be that.

22. I am so blessed!

23. God can't make something of you til you give him all the pieces.

24.You can cspend seemingly forever wishing for something that may never come; or you can give all of your hopes and dreams to God and He will make known His dreams for you-- and they are far better than you ever could hope or dream of yourself.

25. When you're constantly attacked by the enemy, you know you're destined for greatness - Stand strong, God has big plans for you.

26. The simplset things can mean the most.

27. There's ALWAYS a reason to dance!

28. One smile can spark a frienship. (just make sure there's nothing in ur teeth. JK!)

29. What commitment means.

30. God is always moving.

31. There is a light in the storm, you just gotta find it. And when you can't see might be the light in someone else's storm...

32. God is still speaking - Listen.

33. Frienship is 2-way. Both need to want it, both need to strive for it, and both need to listen and talk, and jusst be together.

34. Love NEVER fails.

35. Love is patient.

36. Never compormise what you believe in.

37. Stand when no one is standing. Fight when you're the only one ready for battle. Speak and let you're voice be heard - proclaim Christ to the nations, you might stand alone, but if you dont' stand to lead, who will? And even more - When you stand, how many more will follow?

38. I am not my own.


40. If you keep things in the dark, they can't be tested by the light of truth.

41. Sometimes, it's not you're place in this world that you need to find, but rather, you need to find yourself to see that you're where you belong.

42. Patience isn't just about waiting. It's the willingness to wait, and finding peace in God's timing. Patience is about submission.

43. Better to have tried and failed, than to regreat never trying at all, and living you're life wondering what would have happened.

44.Sometimes you need to get past your fears, get off the surface, take a deep breath and dive right in.

45. God will always see you through.

46. Love is a choice. Love is forgiving when forgiveness is not deserved. Love is showing mercy, when none should be obtained. Love is void of anger and jealousy. Love is pure and true, tried and undeserved. We are incapable of loving all the time. Love can change lives. Love saved us, made us, chose us, names us. Love never fails us. But sometimes we can fail to love. God is love, we who love abide in God and God in us. Love is bold. Love is true. Love lives in you, love changes you, it changes everything. Share love, you share Jesus. You get past the emptiness and pain that this world bring you down to, and love takes you up, holds you, and makes you feel wonderful again. Love is of God. Love means holding on and nog giving up when the situation seems hopeless. But love is also letting go and releasing to God. Love is the cross. Love is the sacrifice. We are made to love. We recieve love, but do we give it? Do we show love unconditionally? Of course we don't. We are flawed. But love sees the imperfections, and sees beauty in them. Love is always the answer, because God is the anser-and God is love.

Spread the Fire!

Brittany Ketter (1 Peter 3:4)