It’s one of those days,
Where you begin to believe
That you’re not good enough
For your dreams.
They seem so far and
Impossible to reach.
And you’re just who you are
Wondering why you even dream of these things.
What’s the use of dreamin’,
If you’re not believing
If you’re not reaching
For it to come true?
We were made to look up
And dream something new.
See so far from reality,
But it’s what you wanna do.
So why not reach and let
your dream find its way to you.
It’s one of those times
Where you can’t see
if you could ever be who you dream.
With dreams and reality
It’s hard to find where they can meet.
But keep looking up,
Cause if you believe,
You can make it.
Keep dreaming.
Keep reaching.
Keep believing
Dreams come true.
Someday your dream will find its way to you.
Yeah, your dream will find you.
When you reach and believe dreams
Can come true…Now it’s all up to you.
Will you reach, or will you lose?
Friday, October 30, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
For All of You Single Girls Out There...
I admit, lately I’ve been thinking about that special guy that God has for me, and honestly – I miss him. Be honest girls, how many of you are home on a Friday night doing nothing while all of your friends are out on a date with their boyfriends? Or maybe your best friend has been hanging out with a guy and you feel neglected – feeling the pain? We all know the feeling.
I’ve set my standards, and I’ve set them high. I know what I want in a guy. I haven’t dated. I’ve made up my mind before that I would not date until:
1. Senior Year (at earliest)
2. I knew the guy who fit my list.
Well, here I am at senior year – boyfriend? No. And that’s cool. I’ve found my season of singleness to be my time for growing and my time for going deeper in my relationship with God. I wouldn’t trade this season for anything God is so good!
However, recently, I find myself thinking more and more about “him.” Who is he? When will God bring him in? How? Will I know right away? I have all of these questions, and yet no answers to be found. The only thing I know is that, 1) God has this all in His hands, and 2) I desire this companionship greatly.
I want someone to love, and to love me, but more-so, I want that person to be who God has for me. You won’t see me rushing in on the dating scene. In fact, I’m a bit more into courtship. And, I find that I really am impressed by the guys who first asked the father’s permission to take out his daughter, before they even ask the girl. It shows maturity and respect.
I can picture my own daughter someday, and I can tell you I would not be thrilled or very pleased at all if some guy just came to our door and picked her up to take her out, without first coming to me or my husband. No. I don’t believe I’d be please, and I don’t believe my daughter would be going out with him that night… (and possibly any night. We’ll see.)
I believe there is a special bond between Dad’s and daughters. I look up to my dad, and I admire him greatly. He’s always been my hero. I rarely find something I enjoy more than a night with my dad. I love being with him. Just me and him – even just driving to the store, or watching the game – I can never get enough of the one-on-one daddy-daughter time. The more I’m with him, the more I see in him that I would want in a husband someday. Some of these big things in my dad are commitment, strength and purpose. His commitment to this family is so apparent. Fathering 5 kids, (3 of them being teenagers, YIKES!) he works hard and long hours every day to support his family. And afterwards, you will find him working on things that need done around the house. He doesn’t work for the fun of it. He doesn’t work just for the money. He doesn’t work to give himself a good name. But he does it for us – to support his family. He does it to the best of his ability, and I admire that quality in my dad – his commitment. Strength and purpose fit into that also. My dad is a family man – strength I see is how he handles his household. He is firm and loving and always makes a point when things aren’t running the way they should be. He heads our household well. His purpose – I see in his stance. Whether he’s in his suit going to work, or in his old worn jeans and t-shirt working outside or fixing cars or doing yard work. My dad is a man of purpose, and his purpose is that of one he knows full well of – the position God has placed him in as the head of this family.
I didn’t just dream this entire up. I had to be taught to see it. But I cannot recall a time ever where my dad wasn’t there for me. Dads are special. And I believe that the Father-daughter relationship is too. There is just a bond there, seemingly from the beginning – my dad’s the reason I’ve gone through most of my teen years without “needing” a guy. I didn’t “need” a boyfriend like some of my friends and many teens my age did. I’d much rather have a day with my dad. As I’ve grown older though, that’s not changed, but I’m starting more to want to find the one that God has for me. I love the relationship I have with my dad, and I don’t ever want it to change – he fills a place in my heart where only a guy could, where only he could. But he’s taught me what I want. I want a man like him.
In a way, I see my mother has taught me that too. She’s taught me to look deeply, see the invisible, and feel the gentlest touches. She taught me to see the world, and she obviously taught me to find a good man (Daddy is exhibit A! ) My mom has also taught me what kind of woman I want to be. She’s raised me right. (Or I think my parents have done a pretty good job, anyway. I mean between the two of them – I turned out pretty awesome, if I do say so myself! – Quite humble too! :P) My mom showed me the kind of woman I want to be. I want to be like she is – a woman of strength and virtue, whose priorities are in line; A woman who watches over her house, and brings up her children in the Lord; A woman who is wise and carries herself with dignity; A woman who is led by the Lord, and who teaches her children to rely on Him.
My mother taught me to work, cook, clean, read, write and all the typical stuff, but by example, she’s taught me the qualities of a godly woman, wife and mother, and I’m proud to be her daughter.
Now girls, stick with me. I’m not as off topic as you might think – remember that longing feeling I was talking about before? The want I have for that companionship and love? My journey with God these last few months- he’s brought me to a place of wholeness – but even so, I still don’t’ feel complete. It’s like I’m missing something – I’m missing him. There is such a mystery about that – only the Lord knows. I was talking with a friend about that, and she mentioned to me how in Genesis, “Adam – even after all the animals, no suitable companion was found. Then God created Eve.” She told me we were born this way – with a longing to have that companion. I chewed on this for a moment, and then it struck me!
Eve was made from a rib of Adam. (Genesis 2:22) There is not something missing in me – I AM the missing piece!
“For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.” Genesis 2:24 NIV
Girls – we are the missing piece. When God made Eve – He made her from a piece of Adam. They were one. The same will before us. God has that special guy out there for you, and someday you will be one. I’m waiting on God, and in the end, I know I’ll be amazingly happy with this choice-because if we’re the missing piece to these guys, girls we don’t want to break ourselves out in the dating scene. Dating just to date, or having a boyfriend just to have a boyfriend or to try to fill that space inside of you or to take away the loneliness you feel for love. Wait on God, because he knows that guy who is missing you. He created them just for you. You’re His missing piece. Preserve yourselves girls. I know it’s hard, especially at this age to be waiting and not going out or getting into these kind of relationships, but you will be so happy later and see how it was so worth the wait.
When I’ve been praying about this wanting in me, I just keep hearing God telling me, “wait.”
Girls, the time will come. The wait will be worth it – but for now, embrace this season of singleness. Let God be your heart’s desire. Get into His word, grow in Him. Listen for His voice and let Him teach you.
Also, your relationship with your parents is important. (God id after all entrust you into their care to raise you up in him) God doesn’t make mistakes. Bloom where you’re planted. You need God’s light to grow, you need times of rain. Sometimes He’ll shade you with his wing. You are where you are for a reason. Make the most of it. Be who you are. Give everything your all. Follow God, learn from your parents, and keep yourself pure. Waiting will be worth it. I guarantee you it will be.
Thinking now, I can’t wait for whoever God has for me to come into the picture, but I will wait patiently, pursue God, and continue to learn. If I’m this guy’s missing piece, I want to be whole myself, and that means surrendering everything in me – even this desire to God. I’ve learned surrendering is a process – not a moment. It’s a daily choice – a daily act.
So, for all of you single girls out there, thanks for reading, and I hope you got something from this. You’re the missing piece. I’m sure you’re going to want the rest of the puzzle to be put together when he comes along, so I encourage you to keep yourself together. Embrace your singleness as an opportunity to work on your relationship with God. Let Him be your everything. Give Him your heart. I know He won’t give it to someone who will break it. He knows who He has for you, trust Him Give your all to Him. You’re the missing piece – but He knows to which puzzle. Just wait until you see the whole picture. That guy that you have your eye on, (come on girls, you can’t say “what guy” you know we all have them,) give him to God. I’ve found the more you focus on God, the more you see from His view.
Giving that up is hard I know. Just keep praying. I pray for my future husband every day. I pray that God will keep him pure and that he will be strong in the Lord and that he’ll be safe where he is. I pray that anything that he may be going through, that God would meet him where he’s at and be there with him. I’ve found in praying for other people, it brings you closer together. In praying for my future husband, even though I may not know him, I believe that God will work something in that.
And you know when a guy comes along, pray about him, and trust your parents’ judgment. Talk to them about it. Don’t toss your other relationships aside just because a new season is in view. You ultimately want God to be your # 1 Priority. As for your parents, they are important too –having a good relationship with them will be of help for you. They’ve been through this before - it’s not so different now as you think. Take some wisdom from them. They know what they are talking about them. If you’re open to receive, you’ll be surprised what you can learn.
So girls, pray and seek God. Work on your relationships with your parents. God put them over you for a reason – learn from them. Keep waiting – God knows exactly what He’s doing. Take this time to grow in Him, and to hang out with your friends. Enjoy this season of life as you wait for the next to come. Something worth it, is something worth waiting for, right? You’re the missing piece to the puzzle. God knows the puzzle, give him all the pieces so He can make it complete.
Love you all so much! Thanks for reading.
Brittany L. Ketter ( 1 peter 3:4)
I’ve set my standards, and I’ve set them high. I know what I want in a guy. I haven’t dated. I’ve made up my mind before that I would not date until:
1. Senior Year (at earliest)
2. I knew the guy who fit my list.
Well, here I am at senior year – boyfriend? No. And that’s cool. I’ve found my season of singleness to be my time for growing and my time for going deeper in my relationship with God. I wouldn’t trade this season for anything God is so good!
However, recently, I find myself thinking more and more about “him.” Who is he? When will God bring him in? How? Will I know right away? I have all of these questions, and yet no answers to be found. The only thing I know is that, 1) God has this all in His hands, and 2) I desire this companionship greatly.
I want someone to love, and to love me, but more-so, I want that person to be who God has for me. You won’t see me rushing in on the dating scene. In fact, I’m a bit more into courtship. And, I find that I really am impressed by the guys who first asked the father’s permission to take out his daughter, before they even ask the girl. It shows maturity and respect.
I can picture my own daughter someday, and I can tell you I would not be thrilled or very pleased at all if some guy just came to our door and picked her up to take her out, without first coming to me or my husband. No. I don’t believe I’d be please, and I don’t believe my daughter would be going out with him that night… (and possibly any night. We’ll see.)
I believe there is a special bond between Dad’s and daughters. I look up to my dad, and I admire him greatly. He’s always been my hero. I rarely find something I enjoy more than a night with my dad. I love being with him. Just me and him – even just driving to the store, or watching the game – I can never get enough of the one-on-one daddy-daughter time. The more I’m with him, the more I see in him that I would want in a husband someday. Some of these big things in my dad are commitment, strength and purpose. His commitment to this family is so apparent. Fathering 5 kids, (3 of them being teenagers, YIKES!) he works hard and long hours every day to support his family. And afterwards, you will find him working on things that need done around the house. He doesn’t work for the fun of it. He doesn’t work just for the money. He doesn’t work to give himself a good name. But he does it for us – to support his family. He does it to the best of his ability, and I admire that quality in my dad – his commitment. Strength and purpose fit into that also. My dad is a family man – strength I see is how he handles his household. He is firm and loving and always makes a point when things aren’t running the way they should be. He heads our household well. His purpose – I see in his stance. Whether he’s in his suit going to work, or in his old worn jeans and t-shirt working outside or fixing cars or doing yard work. My dad is a man of purpose, and his purpose is that of one he knows full well of – the position God has placed him in as the head of this family.
I didn’t just dream this entire up. I had to be taught to see it. But I cannot recall a time ever where my dad wasn’t there for me. Dads are special. And I believe that the Father-daughter relationship is too. There is just a bond there, seemingly from the beginning – my dad’s the reason I’ve gone through most of my teen years without “needing” a guy. I didn’t “need” a boyfriend like some of my friends and many teens my age did. I’d much rather have a day with my dad. As I’ve grown older though, that’s not changed, but I’m starting more to want to find the one that God has for me. I love the relationship I have with my dad, and I don’t ever want it to change – he fills a place in my heart where only a guy could, where only he could. But he’s taught me what I want. I want a man like him.
In a way, I see my mother has taught me that too. She’s taught me to look deeply, see the invisible, and feel the gentlest touches. She taught me to see the world, and she obviously taught me to find a good man (Daddy is exhibit A! ) My mom has also taught me what kind of woman I want to be. She’s raised me right. (Or I think my parents have done a pretty good job, anyway. I mean between the two of them – I turned out pretty awesome, if I do say so myself! – Quite humble too! :P) My mom showed me the kind of woman I want to be. I want to be like she is – a woman of strength and virtue, whose priorities are in line; A woman who watches over her house, and brings up her children in the Lord; A woman who is wise and carries herself with dignity; A woman who is led by the Lord, and who teaches her children to rely on Him.
My mother taught me to work, cook, clean, read, write and all the typical stuff, but by example, she’s taught me the qualities of a godly woman, wife and mother, and I’m proud to be her daughter.
Now girls, stick with me. I’m not as off topic as you might think – remember that longing feeling I was talking about before? The want I have for that companionship and love? My journey with God these last few months- he’s brought me to a place of wholeness – but even so, I still don’t’ feel complete. It’s like I’m missing something – I’m missing him. There is such a mystery about that – only the Lord knows. I was talking with a friend about that, and she mentioned to me how in Genesis, “Adam – even after all the animals, no suitable companion was found. Then God created Eve.” She told me we were born this way – with a longing to have that companion. I chewed on this for a moment, and then it struck me!
Eve was made from a rib of Adam. (Genesis 2:22) There is not something missing in me – I AM the missing piece!
“For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.” Genesis 2:24 NIV
Girls – we are the missing piece. When God made Eve – He made her from a piece of Adam. They were one. The same will before us. God has that special guy out there for you, and someday you will be one. I’m waiting on God, and in the end, I know I’ll be amazingly happy with this choice-because if we’re the missing piece to these guys, girls we don’t want to break ourselves out in the dating scene. Dating just to date, or having a boyfriend just to have a boyfriend or to try to fill that space inside of you or to take away the loneliness you feel for love. Wait on God, because he knows that guy who is missing you. He created them just for you. You’re His missing piece. Preserve yourselves girls. I know it’s hard, especially at this age to be waiting and not going out or getting into these kind of relationships, but you will be so happy later and see how it was so worth the wait.
When I’ve been praying about this wanting in me, I just keep hearing God telling me, “wait.”
Girls, the time will come. The wait will be worth it – but for now, embrace this season of singleness. Let God be your heart’s desire. Get into His word, grow in Him. Listen for His voice and let Him teach you.
Also, your relationship with your parents is important. (God id after all entrust you into their care to raise you up in him) God doesn’t make mistakes. Bloom where you’re planted. You need God’s light to grow, you need times of rain. Sometimes He’ll shade you with his wing. You are where you are for a reason. Make the most of it. Be who you are. Give everything your all. Follow God, learn from your parents, and keep yourself pure. Waiting will be worth it. I guarantee you it will be.
Thinking now, I can’t wait for whoever God has for me to come into the picture, but I will wait patiently, pursue God, and continue to learn. If I’m this guy’s missing piece, I want to be whole myself, and that means surrendering everything in me – even this desire to God. I’ve learned surrendering is a process – not a moment. It’s a daily choice – a daily act.
So, for all of you single girls out there, thanks for reading, and I hope you got something from this. You’re the missing piece. I’m sure you’re going to want the rest of the puzzle to be put together when he comes along, so I encourage you to keep yourself together. Embrace your singleness as an opportunity to work on your relationship with God. Let Him be your everything. Give Him your heart. I know He won’t give it to someone who will break it. He knows who He has for you, trust Him Give your all to Him. You’re the missing piece – but He knows to which puzzle. Just wait until you see the whole picture. That guy that you have your eye on, (come on girls, you can’t say “what guy” you know we all have them,) give him to God. I’ve found the more you focus on God, the more you see from His view.
Giving that up is hard I know. Just keep praying. I pray for my future husband every day. I pray that God will keep him pure and that he will be strong in the Lord and that he’ll be safe where he is. I pray that anything that he may be going through, that God would meet him where he’s at and be there with him. I’ve found in praying for other people, it brings you closer together. In praying for my future husband, even though I may not know him, I believe that God will work something in that.
And you know when a guy comes along, pray about him, and trust your parents’ judgment. Talk to them about it. Don’t toss your other relationships aside just because a new season is in view. You ultimately want God to be your # 1 Priority. As for your parents, they are important too –having a good relationship with them will be of help for you. They’ve been through this before - it’s not so different now as you think. Take some wisdom from them. They know what they are talking about them. If you’re open to receive, you’ll be surprised what you can learn.
So girls, pray and seek God. Work on your relationships with your parents. God put them over you for a reason – learn from them. Keep waiting – God knows exactly what He’s doing. Take this time to grow in Him, and to hang out with your friends. Enjoy this season of life as you wait for the next to come. Something worth it, is something worth waiting for, right? You’re the missing piece to the puzzle. God knows the puzzle, give him all the pieces so He can make it complete.
Love you all so much! Thanks for reading.
Brittany L. Ketter ( 1 peter 3:4)
Monday, October 19, 2009
Through Your Eyes, Through Mine
Through Your Eyes, Through Mine
Lyrics by Brittany Ketter
Song by Brittany Ketter
Verse 1:
In those quiet moments, that's when u begin to hear it.
the lying voice within you that says you're never gonna make it.
Your dreams can't ever come true.
Just cause you're you...
Lookin in the mirror, you see something different than I do.
You're only seeing on the surface, you're not seeing through.
Don't believe what you're seeing is true.
I made you to be you.
The world shows you a mirror, a reflection of who they see.
But see yourself through my eyes child, look how beautiful you can be?
Look deeper into yourself and you will see,
the beauty you have in me.
Look in that mirror again, tell me how can you not see what I do?
Oh how do you see so differently when you look at you?
You see flaws, and I see flawless.
You see imperfection, I see perfect.
You see hurt and brokeness, I see beauty brought from ashes.
you see yourself so different from everybody else.
You're how I designed you to be, my child.
I dont make mistakes.
This is how you're meant to be.
I made you to be great.
Now can you see what I see?
Another quiet moment. Which voice are you hearing?
the lies that say you're not good enough,
or the truth that says you're gonna be something.
You will be something.
You find yourself in a moment, What lies are you hearing this time?
The lies that say that you'll never be who you should be?
Or the truth that says you'll be that person in time.
You are mine.
Don't believe the lies that say you are nothing.
Don't believe the lies that say your dreams can't come true.
Believe in me, you are beautiful. Look at yourself from my view.
Look at what I created in you.
Look in that mirror again, tell me can you see yourself as i do?
Oh do see yourself differently now when you look at you?
You don't see flaws, you see flawless.
In your imperfections, You see my power in them.
No more hurt and brokenness, You see beauty I brought from ashes.
you see yourself so different from everybody else.
You're how I designed you to be, my child.
I dont make mistakes.
This is how you're meant to be.
I made you to be great.
Take a look and see.
There's nothing more beautiful than who I created you to be.
I made you to be you.
Take a look and see,
My child look at yourself,
I've made something of you,
because you believed in me.
I made you to be you.
Lyrics by Brittany Ketter
Song by Brittany Ketter
Verse 1:
In those quiet moments, that's when u begin to hear it.
the lying voice within you that says you're never gonna make it.
Your dreams can't ever come true.
Just cause you're you...
Lookin in the mirror, you see something different than I do.
You're only seeing on the surface, you're not seeing through.
Don't believe what you're seeing is true.
I made you to be you.
The world shows you a mirror, a reflection of who they see.
But see yourself through my eyes child, look how beautiful you can be?
Look deeper into yourself and you will see,
the beauty you have in me.
Look in that mirror again, tell me how can you not see what I do?
Oh how do you see so differently when you look at you?
You see flaws, and I see flawless.
You see imperfection, I see perfect.
You see hurt and brokeness, I see beauty brought from ashes.
you see yourself so different from everybody else.
You're how I designed you to be, my child.
I dont make mistakes.
This is how you're meant to be.
I made you to be great.
Now can you see what I see?
Another quiet moment. Which voice are you hearing?
the lies that say you're not good enough,
or the truth that says you're gonna be something.
You will be something.
You find yourself in a moment, What lies are you hearing this time?
The lies that say that you'll never be who you should be?
Or the truth that says you'll be that person in time.
You are mine.
Don't believe the lies that say you are nothing.
Don't believe the lies that say your dreams can't come true.
Believe in me, you are beautiful. Look at yourself from my view.
Look at what I created in you.
Look in that mirror again, tell me can you see yourself as i do?
Oh do see yourself differently now when you look at you?
You don't see flaws, you see flawless.
In your imperfections, You see my power in them.
No more hurt and brokenness, You see beauty I brought from ashes.
you see yourself so different from everybody else.
You're how I designed you to be, my child.
I dont make mistakes.
This is how you're meant to be.
I made you to be great.
Take a look and see.
There's nothing more beautiful than who I created you to be.
I made you to be you.
Take a look and see,
My child look at yourself,
I've made something of you,
because you believed in me.
I made you to be you.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Lavender Lake and Storm's Eye

Lavender lake with matching sky, scratched with hues of pinks as the fall of nigh begins. Waves softly lap the shore and the tide begins to rise. Ever so slowly, the light fades to darkness as the sun disappears under the sea. The stars and moon shine down on the beach. A soft breeze comes through and rustles the nearby trees. Everything seems to fall asleep. Looking at the stars shining bright and high, and the dark lapping waters of the midnight sea, I feel the softness of the cool summer night breeze and breathe in deep. This is the quiet my soul now feels, and I am now at peace. Peace where the past and the present meet and peace with the future unforeseen. In this quiet still of the night, I find peace in the midst of what is not right. For coming on from the north and south are storm clouds pregnant with rain to fall in the night. The soft wind will pick up; the waves lapping at the shore will crash on the beach. The still, calm and sleeping nature will wake as the storm passes over this lake. The stars will be covered by clouds, and the wind will howl. A great tempest, a great storm, and yet, I will stand there still warm and at ease, remembering the quiet calm that was before the storm – and be at peace. The storm will pass, the rain will slow, and the wind will not forever blow. The waves will be still, the stars will shine, clouds of grew stay only for a time. The sun will rise and the earth will awaken. My soul will flourish and life renewed will keep on living, though surroundings change, and storms will come and pass again. But what cannot be taken away, is the peace given. Even in the strongest of storms, the eye is always calm. In the midst of a tempest, I will be the eye of the storm, and I will stand strong and be at peace. And in my heart and soul, I will forever be by the quiet waters. I will close my eyes and see the lavender lake and sky. I will not be blind to the storm surrounding me, but simply be the eye.
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