Saturday, May 28, 2011

Awake, Awake, Awakening - Book Reivew

Title: Awakening: A New Approach to Faith, Fasting, and Spiritual Freedom
Author: Stovall Weems
Publisher: WaterBrook Press

Summer is here! What better time could there be than this to go deeper in your spiritual life?! It is time to Awaken! In Awakening: A New Approach to Faith, Fasting and Spiritual Freedom, Stovall Weems leads you through 21 days to revolutionize and revitalize your relationship with God.

This book is filled with so many truths to grasp and at the same time it helps you to open your eyes to see the truth that has been sitting right in front of you.

One of my favorite quotes from the book is, "You're not here on earth simply to exist - you were sent here by God.

During this study I really began to think more and more about why I'm here and seeking God's direction in my life about it. Prayer and Fasting are essential to a healthy spiritual life and a strong relationship with God.

Awakening even includes plans for fasting and helps.

All in all - great message to the book. It was a bit hard to read at times, but was assuredly worth the time. I hope you read it and that it blesses you!

I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review as a part of their Blogging for Books program.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

His Revolutionary Love by Lynn Cowell (Book Review and Giveaway!!!

rev·o·lu·tion·ar·y [rev-uh-loo-shuh-ner-ee]
adjective, noun, plural
1) of, pertaining to, characterized by, or of the nature of revolution, or a sudden, complete, or marked change.
I am in those years. I see the girls, the guys and the drama. I’ve seen so many prematurely give their hearts away only to be broken again and again. I see the yearning in each girl – to be wanted, noticed, admired – to be valued. Little does she realize her value.
John Eldredge knew what he was talking about when he said, “Not every woman wants a battle to fight, but every woman yearns to be fought for… She wants to be more than noticed – she wants to be wanted. She wants to be pursued.”
Too often in this world I have seen so many not realize their value and they put themselves down and spend so much time comparing themselves with other people and some even give themselves away. But they don’t know that they are more. They don’t know that there is someone out there so madly and deeply in love with them.
He sees her and he sees beauty. He sees her and prizes her. He is enthralled by her. But she is so caught up in the world’s system that she doesn’t even know of this love. She doesn’t know about the love that changes everything. She doesn’t know the love that calls her and pursues her.
In His Revolutionary Love: Jesus’ Radical Pursuit of You Lynn Cowell tells of a love such as this. Oh, the thrills I got from reading this book! There is just something about the pursuit of love that excites you to the core! There are so many romance stories out there (and some are actually pretty good, I dare say it.) But nothing will thrill you more than reading this book! Lynn, I believe has truly captured the heart of the subject.
I was watching the Lake House the other night and just found myself going “wow, he waited for her all those years. He waited just to see her! He knew that she was all he wanted!” His pursuit (I will admit) made my heart melt. What girl does not want to be pursued like that? And who, while watching this movie, would not put themselves in Dr. Kate Forster’s (played by Sandra Bullock) place. We have dreaming hearts. We yearn for that kind of pursuit! Reading this book, you won’t have to imagine anymore, because you are that person being pursued. You will begin to see how the love the Jesus offers is exactly what you have been yearning for all of your life. This love is truly revolutionary. It changes everything.
There are three parts to this book. They are:
1)His Heart Toward Me
2) His Path for Me
3) His Hopes for Me
Are you looking for something more? Have you found yourself empty or with a longing in your heart that is not filled? Only the Love of God can fill that place in you. Jesus is in radical pursuit of you.
I highly recommend reading this book, ladies! It really will change your life. This love is so amazing. And it never ends. It never fails.
Lynn Cowell has a heart that is so passionate about God and for girls and women to understand in share in the radical love that He has for us. She lives in North Carolina with her husband and three teens and is a speaker with Proverbs 31 ministries. You can visit Lynn’s website by clicking here.

I will be giving away a free copy of Lynn’s book His Revolutionary Love this week! Here is how to enter:
1)  click the following link to go to my main blog and follow the instructions from there. 
2) Comment on there and tell me Why you should be the one to win this book.
3) Tweet about the give away and/or share with your friends on facebook and let me know when you have.
4) Be sure to subscribe and follow me so you can find out later this week if you have won!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

His Revolutionary Love - Interview with Author Lynn Cowell and Book Give Away!!!

I have found that in the Single Season there is nothing better than falling so deeply in love with Jesus! It really is the perfect romance. I have written about it previously here in my post Love In the Single Season. But even now, do you realize just now in love Jesus is with you? His love for you is so amazing, so deep and so intimate! And Lynn Cowell talks about this in her book which she just recently published entitled His Revolutionary Love: Jesus’ Radical Pursuit of You.

I had the privilege of interviewing Lynn Cowell about her book which I will share with you here.

Brittany Ketter: Tell us a bit about yourself: 
Lynn Cowell: I am an author and speaker with Proverbs 31 Ministries; I have been a part of the team for three years. I live in North Carolina with my husband, Greg, of 24 years. We have three teens. We love anything we can do outside: white water rafting, softball, hiking as well as music of all kinds. I’m a big fan of sushi, well-worn sweatshirts and anything that combines peanut butter and chocolate.

Brittany: You said that you work with Proverbs 31 Ministries. How did you get into that? And what is the best part about that for you?

Lynn: Several years ago I attended Proverbs 31′s speakers and writers conference “She Speaks”. This was my first experience with the ministry. A couple of years later, I began to volunteer for the ministry doing data entry (which I still do!). At that time they didn’t have any one on their team who spoke to teens so I filled that niche.
The best part are the amazing women that are on the team. To have nearly 50 women on a team who get along great with no jealously or issues is really a work of God.

Brittany: Wow. That is awesome! What got you into writing?



Lynn: I started mentoring teen girls about 10 years ago. When the girls and I headed to the Christian book store to find a book that studied what Jesus’ crazy love for us, we couldn’t find one. I decided to write for the girls each week and would then email them. When I was done, I knew this was teaching that many girls needed thus the book “His Revolutionary Love”.
Brittany: Tell us about your book.

Lynn: In “His Revolutionary Love,” I help teen girls and their moms:

  • · Create confidence leading to higher self-esteem by discovering Christ’s life-altering love.
  • · Replace loneliness, rejection, and pain with acceptance, affirmation, and approval.
  • · Make wise choices that lead to a fruitful future, rather than becoming a victim to emotionally-based decisions.
  • · Shift faith in Jesus from just a parental influence to a personal, growing relationship.
  • · Learn how to discern the voice and will of God.
  • · Develop and stick to boundaries that protect the heart, mind, and body.
  • · Communicate with guys and other girlfriends in a manner that’s healthy and positive.

Brittany: What was your greatest inspiration while writing His Revolutionary Love?

  Lynn: Someone I love dearly was going through her third divorce. I knew she was looking to guys to fill the love gap in her heart. It became my passion to help other girls find Jesus as the Only One who can give unconditional love to fill her heart.


Brittany: What captives you the most about the love of Jesus?

Lynn: His love is absolutely perfect. Even knowing our deepest secrets, our darkest deeds and most disappointing moments it change the way He loves us. He doesn’t think we are the greatest one night and dump us tomorrow. He is exactly what we crave.

Brittany: Tell us about your publishing process:

Lynn: It was so painful! If I had known from the beginning that I would experience 19 rejections over five years, I probably would not have had the heart to make the journey. Jesus knew that I needed this experience to learn humility, dependence on Him as well as time to hone my skills as a writer. It sure taught me perseverance!

Brittany: If you wanted to get one point across to your audience, what would it be?

Lynn: Love from a guy, whether it is a boyfriend or a dad, can never fill the love gap in your heart.

Brittany: Seeing that your book is flying off the shelves, are there any future writing plans?

Lynn: Yes…I definitely want to write a companion book for girls to “His Revolutionary Love” as well as a version for adult women.

Brittany: That is awesome! I look forward to it! Thank you for being with us today, Lynn. It was a pleasure to hear from you about His Revolutionary Love. Thank you so much for sharing!

Check out Lynn’s website here for some awesome posts! This woman truly has a heart that is so passionate about God and for girls and women to understand in share in the radical love that He has for us.




I will be giving away a free copy of Lynn’s book His Revolutionary Love this week! Be watching for my review of His Revolutionary Love to find out how you can win!





Brittany L. Ketter (1 Peter 3:4)




Sunday, May 22, 2011


Dreams are something that are a part of us from the very beginning. As a child we dream of what we will be and do when we get older. Over the years, many times our dreams may change, but the fact that we have them usually doesn't.

What is life without dreams? It is being stuck in the same mundane routine with no hope of something more for tomorrow.

It is contentment with your current character with no desire to go farther.

It is to deny God's call to go after Him and be more. Because to dream is to go beyond yourself. And to go beyond yourself requires the hand and divine guidance of the creator of the universe.

Someone once said that "dreams are the touchstones of our character". Over the years I have found this to be true.

We all have different dreams.

I dream of being an author and speaker and wife and mother. I dream of missions to India and Haiti. I dream of a life in ministry.

But as I said not all dreams are the same.

My friends have different dreams than I do.

One wants to be a missionary.

One wants to go after a music career but also work with abused horses and dance.

One wants to be a statistician! (told you we were all different).

I know others who just want to be homemakers and raise families and some even want farms.

My point is though, no matter how big or small you might think these dreams are as you read - they are big to the people that carry them. Our dreams define so much about who we are and what we stand for. It is only natural for us to dream. God has called us all to something greater and to dream as I said is to go beyond ourselves.

I will leave you with this:

What are your dreams?

Dream something so big that you need God to fulfill them! He is faithful!

It might just be a dream, but if you don't know how to dream, you don't know how to live.

Dare to dream!

~Brittany L. Ketter (1 Peter 3:4)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Here I Am - Lord, Send Me! (My call to India)


Wait. Did that seriously just happen? Did I seriously just hear that?


I heard the voice again as the visions danced before my eyes. I could see many places and images of India, Haiti and several other places flashed before my eyes. This continued for some time. I lost track of exactly how long. When I opened my eyes, I could see the "soak room" was filled with women crying out and seeking God - all of who were here for the Women Without Walls Spring Retreat which was themed "For Such A Time As This..."

The "Soak Room" was 1 of the 4 sessions being offered that Saturday. It was a time to bask in the presence of the Lord and to seek His face and praise Him. And wow, did He meet me in that room! One word. One simple word and a vision. He gave me a desire that has long been planted in my heart. 

But I couldn't leave it at that. I prayed that the Lord would bring me a confirmation as to what I heard and saw that day in the soak room. 

Several hours later, I found myself back in the community room for worship and our final session before we departed. I was talking with several women and one of them told me that I should come to India. Pause. Right there! That was my confirmation! Praise the Lord! 

In 2009 I was in Orlando for National Fine Arts (Assemblies of God Fine Arts Festival) with my Fine Arts Church group. That week was amazing and one of my favorite memories! One of the events that we did there was called the Eurasia Experience. This basically was us being thrown into a huge drama where we were shown what it would be like for us to go to one of those countries as a missionary. They had a whole market place set up and people dressed the part. It was crazy! You really thought that you were there! They even took girls out of the groups and at the end, we were brought to this other room where they were selling these girls! I remember being in shock that this really does happen! It really opened my eyes. And it was that week that a heart for India was born in me. Why India? I'm not entirely sure. But that is where I latched on to. And I've desired to go there ever since. 

India - Located in Southern Asia is a land of both extreme riches and extreme poverty. As they still hold their caste system in place, if you are born poor, you will always be poor and there is no way out of that. The contrast between the castes are amazing. On one hand, you can see the buildings that boast of riches, and on the other hand you see in the slums the houses are mostly like tent-like structures made of mud, straw or coconut leaf, or palm leaves. India is also known to have a very high rate of human trafficking. 
"India, along with Thailand and the Philippines, has 1.3 million children in its sex-trade centers. The children come from relatively poorer areas and are trafficked to relatively richer ones. (Soma Wadhwa, "For sale childhood," Outlook, 1998)" 
This just breaks my heart. There are so many children there that day after day are bound to sexual slavery. They are raped and beaten and abused. And for many, they spend years in this lifestyle before they are thrown out. 

There are several groups that are working with Touching the Hem of His Garment Ministries to build The Redemption Home. This home will help bring young girls out of the sexual slavery. There they will be cared for and educated, be taught a life skill and most important - learn about Jesus and how he sets them free! The land for the Redemption Home has been secured, however, for the building to take place, there is still money to be raised. (You can donate to the Redemption Home by clicking this link and following the instructions). I will post updates on the Redemption home as they come. I am so excited for the building of this home! There are other ministries already working in India to help these children and women. Project Rescue has a book which I read not too long ago by David and Beth Grand entitled Beyond the Soiled Curtain: Project Rescue's Fight for the Victims of the Sex-Slave Industry. It is a tough read but is filled with so many amazing stories of how they are working in the lives of these girls and women by ministering to them and helping them find hope and healing - physically, emotionally and spiritually.

I am so excited about being called to minister in India. I cannot wait to see what God will do through this! 

In His shadow,

Brittany L. Ketter