Sunday, May 22, 2011


Dreams are something that are a part of us from the very beginning. As a child we dream of what we will be and do when we get older. Over the years, many times our dreams may change, but the fact that we have them usually doesn't.

What is life without dreams? It is being stuck in the same mundane routine with no hope of something more for tomorrow.

It is contentment with your current character with no desire to go farther.

It is to deny God's call to go after Him and be more. Because to dream is to go beyond yourself. And to go beyond yourself requires the hand and divine guidance of the creator of the universe.

Someone once said that "dreams are the touchstones of our character". Over the years I have found this to be true.

We all have different dreams.

I dream of being an author and speaker and wife and mother. I dream of missions to India and Haiti. I dream of a life in ministry.

But as I said not all dreams are the same.

My friends have different dreams than I do.

One wants to be a missionary.

One wants to go after a music career but also work with abused horses and dance.

One wants to be a statistician! (told you we were all different).

I know others who just want to be homemakers and raise families and some even want farms.

My point is though, no matter how big or small you might think these dreams are as you read - they are big to the people that carry them. Our dreams define so much about who we are and what we stand for. It is only natural for us to dream. God has called us all to something greater and to dream as I said is to go beyond ourselves.

I will leave you with this:

What are your dreams?

Dream something so big that you need God to fulfill them! He is faithful!

It might just be a dream, but if you don't know how to dream, you don't know how to live.

Dare to dream!

~Brittany L. Ketter (1 Peter 3:4)

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